Our Attorneys

J. Timothy Patterson, Partner

Tim joined Booth Patterson in 1968 and is the son of one of our founders, Calvin Patterson. Tim's legal expertise is in contracts, real estate law, civil litigation, commercial litigation, facilitative mediation, wills & estates, environmental law, survey & boundary disputes and riparian rights.

Direct email: [email protected].




David J. Lee, Partner

David joined Booth Patterson in 1973. His legal expertise is general litigation, construction, real estate, and family law, which includes divorce, adoption, and custody, including custody of special needs children.

Direct Email: [email protected]

David A. Pernick, Partner

David joined Booth Patterson in 2013 and became a Partner in 2016. His pracice focuses on the areas of bankruptcy law (for both debtor and creditor), business and corporate law, real estate and estate planning matters. David has represented hundreds of individual and corporate clients in his nearly 25 years of legal practice. David is also a very active and commited volunteer in several organizations in Metro Detroit, including Preservation Detroit and Corner Shower and Laundry (Vice Chair/Director) and he is also a licensed Realtor, handling both residential and commercial real estate. 

Direct email: [email protected].

Direct Dial:  248-672-3905

Cell or Text:  248-767-9081